Monday, April 19, 2010

About Starstruck

Fascinated by or exhibiting a fascination with fame and famous people

So why choose StarStruck? Nampak macam duniawi betul. Lebih tertumpu kepada dunia hiburan semata-mata. Tetapi aku melihat perkataan tersebut dengan pandangan yang berbeza. I adore the celebrity based on their effort on how to make themselves known to the public. Bukan dalam satu hari je keluar album. Boom!! You became a superstar! Banyak perkara dan pengorbanan yang perlu dilakukan sebelum melalui proses itu. Yes I mean a lot! Dan disebabkan itulah aku berharap agar aku dapat mengaplikasikan dan menerapkan usaha tersebut didalam dunia sebenar. You need to struggle like hell and make a lot of sacrifices in order to succeed in certain things. If you got it in easy way, that means you're really a lucky guy!

Effort does not betray you.
Has effort ever betrayed you?
If it ever did that mean you didn't put in enough effort.

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