So last night Spica (which is I doubt most of you know this group. Tapi peduli apa aku) has unleashed their first single from their repackage album called "Painkiller". Repackage album bagi pendapat aku adalah peluang secara senyapa-senyap untuk syarikat rakaman untuk sedut duit peminat secara dasyat. Apa point letak 2-3 lagu baru walhal lagu-lagu yang lain ko dah ada? Idea licik!
My response watching this? Wow for the song but meh for the video. While the chorus of the song "Killer Killer Killer Killer" sangat menarik untuk telinga ni mendengar lebih lagi the verse is kinda so-so. The dance routine pulak (again) macam biasa-biasa saja. But hey! this group surely will be recognized for their vocal not for their dancing skills.
Tapi apa yang menarik perhatian aku kali ini ialah pasal ahli keenam group ni. Ye ye aku tau total semua ada 5. Cuma korang jer tak perasan.
Mari aku perkenalkan ahli yang terbaru.
Anyeong!! LOL! My name is Beskel. You can called me Besy. This is my outfit for the MV. Nice isn't it. |
Right now, I'm with my fellow member. We doing some kind of emo scene here. |
I love my group because they let me dance near the stairs. |
They even let me stand in the middle. Literally. |
I know you guys don't really see me here. But I'm really there. Just look closely and you'll find me. By the way this is a group blur mode pose ok. |
This is my feveret scene! Landing pose! |
I told you so!
hahahahaha! ko ni memang jenis perhati betul2 ye. aku tak perasan langsung basikal tu boleh pulak ku perasan. XD
Ni entry appreciation atas kewujudan Besy dlm MV tu. LOL!
hahahaha ko ni sume bende perasan, org lain langsung tak perasan, mmg boleh jadi pengkritik professional. muehehe
One more thing...awat starting video dia macam mv 2ne1 ugly...almost the same concept.
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