Monday, June 4, 2012

Like This Yoo, Like This!

Since most half of you guys (theoretically) doesn't seems to like entry related to kpop. And this is important, sebab tanpa anda apalah guna blog ini. From now on, start on this entry *Telan air liur*

I will talk more about them!!! *Gelak Adele*

Peduli apa aku. Hell no,I will stop listening to something that like because other people seems not to like it. Be true to yourself even when it hurt. Ok motif??

And since Wonder Girls (WG) has already released their MV yesterday. Which is patutnya post entry ni semalam *jeling-jeling assignment*. What I can conclude from that MV is, this song is very dangerous you know! Like it will caused some kind of penyakit-sawan-kaki-tangan type of disease! Mudah berjangkit also. dan yang paling penting sekali, ya penting! take note. Semua golongan berpotensi untuk dihidapi this kind of disease. Dan ini adalah senarai golongan yang berpontensi untuk dijangkiti.

1. Golongan Memakcik. Especially yang sering memakai baju polka dot hitam. 
2. Anita Sarawak

3. Golongan remaja wanita. See! even dekat eskalator pun kena.

4. Sadly but true, golongan kanak-kanak.

5. Wanita berkerjaya yang memakai sports shoes. o.O

And of course, the kaum lelaki juga tidak terkecuali:

7. Golongan remeja lelaki.
8. Lelaki berkerjaya

See! I told you. Almost every generation mungkin akan kena disease ni. So please be prepare.

P/s: Of course lah ada jugak yang akan immune, even dalam resident evil pun bukan semua jadi zombie.


Unknown said...

Aku sukaaaaaaaaaaa gila! like this yooooo!!!

cEro said...

K-pop! I don't speak Kpop..hehehe
tp aku layan gak video tu...
nice effort actually..hehehe