Friday, March 18, 2011

Public Speaking. (Dengar Pun Dah Seriau Gila)

Hari ni kena buat public speaking. Tapi basically cakap depan kelas je. Thank God for that. Tapi tak tau lah kalau besok lecturer tiba2 bawak pergi dekat kawasan orang ramai memang sah2 aku terkejut beruk. Mula2 memang blur nak buat tajuk apa. Tapi lecturer ada guide yang kitaorang boleh cakap pasal apa2 pun. Like current issue, entertainment, education blah blah. Dan aku confirm2 lah akan amik bahagian entertainment. Ehem! My specialty kan. LOL! Tapi mula lah blur semacam nak pilih tajuk apa. Tapi kepala otak dah pikir dah beberapa tajuk. Antaranya :

  1.  Lady Gaga The Illuminati Bitch
  2.  Why Do People Tend to Like Vampires Rather Than Zombies
  3.  How Justin Bieber's Haircut Change The World of Female Teenagers.
  4.  Why Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah

Semua tajuk ni aku dah tweet kat Twitter. So siapa2 yang follow memang dah tau awal2 apa aku dok merapu malam2 buta sampai dok spam timeline orang. Last2 end up buat tajuk "Definition of Hallyu Wave". Pergh! tajuk kemain. Harap2 semua akan berjalan lancar nanti. And note to myself please please please jangan lah tersasul sebut Social kepada Sexual. Nanti akan menimbulkan kemaluan kepada diri secara besar-besaran. = =". So wish me good luck! 

P/s : Hallyu Wave is all about Korean entertainment. It is not about tsunami or something related to that.  


  1. hahaha best juga jdi classmate kau nih
    dpt dengar kau merepek sorg2 nnti ;P

  2. I think u should make a speech about "Are You Blog Addicted?" , "Blog As A Booster?" or "The Blogging Benefit In Our Life.."

    I believe thats are interesting topic that u can share with public speakers. ;)

    *dalam bnyk² tajuk tu, aku lebih prefer Why Kak Limah Ghost Come Home~

  3. Semoga berjaya dgn public speaking kmu...chayok! chayok!

  4. ala.macam dah minat kat tajuk yg pertama 2..ehehe :P

    gud luck oke! ;)

  5. tajuk hantu kak limah balik rumah paling tak tahan..hahahaha

    good luck! update ya...

  6. Aku setuju dengan Incek Fik!Tajuk Hantu k. Limah tu cam menarik je hehe
    weh kalo ko buat tajuk 1st tu ade censorship ke???Lady Gaga The Illuminati BEEP!LOL
    ps:Rakam presentation ko tuh!upload kt youtube Hahaha

  7. good luck! lepas ni ang akan menjadi wikipedia untuk budak kuliah ang tentang hallyu star la gamaknya. kahkah. aku suka yang kak limah tu. keke.

    btw, lawa muka blog baru. XD

  8. @Raji berkata
    mcm suka je ak merepek.. = ="

    @-Incek Fik-
    wow tajuk kemain ko bagi ek. hahaha, tapi ak nk bhgian entertainment tak nak bhagian ilmiah. *dasar tak sedar diri*


    @Nesa Wazir
    nk buat tapi kang kena censored pulak. =P

    thanks cero!

    @ star
    gila apa nk upload karang jadi bahan rakan2. T__T

    lebih kurang lah. muahahah

  9. hekhek I'd love to hear ur presentation then.

    awat la dulu masa amek eng x terpikiaq.. ehhehe..

  10. @ 'Izzati
    baik jgn dgr. memalukan! hahaha

  11. ni entry last year kan?
    saje nak tanye:
    ada kwn tlg rakam tak? mohon dikongsi? :)

  12. blog-tips-kurus
    Unfortunately tak dirakam. Sorry can't help you for this.

    But overall, the main keys to be good in public speaking is to have high confident. Where do you get the this confident? Of course by practicing a lot. After all, practice makes perfect right? Goood luck!
